In our increasingly digital world, the security of data has never been more crucial. Recent events in Indonesia have highlighted this fact in a stark and alarming way. On June 20, 2024, the National Data Center (Pusat Data Nasional or PDN) managed by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika) fell victim to a devastating ransomware attack. This incident, involving the malicious Brain Chiper Ransomware, has had far-reaching consequences, affecting numerous government institutions and underscoring the vital importance of robust data backup strategies.

The attack on Indonesia’s National Data Center serves as a wake-up call for organizations of all sizes, from government agencies to private businesses and even individuals. It demonstrates that no entity is immune to the threat of cyber attacks, and the consequences of being unprepared can be severe and long-lasting.

According to reports from, the ransomware attack has impacted a significant number of government agencies. While the full extent of the damage is still being assessed, it’s clear that the attack has disrupted operations across multiple sectors of the Indonesian government. This incident is not isolated; it’s part of a growing trend of cyber attacks targeting government institutions, healthcare providers, and businesses worldwide.

The vulnerability of centralized data systems, as demonstrated by this attack on the National Data Center, highlights the critical need for comprehensive backup solutions and cybersecurity measures. As we delve deeper into this topic, we’ll explore why backups are crucial, especially in light of such attacks, and what best practices organizations and individuals can adopt to protect their data.

Why Backups Matter:

  1. Protection Against Data Loss: Ransomware attacks encrypt your data, making it inaccessible. With a recent backup, you can restore your systems without paying the ransom.
  2. Business Continuity: Backups ensure that even if your primary systems are compromised, you can quickly restore operations, minimizing downtime and financial losses.
  3. Compliance and Legal Protection: Many industries have regulations requiring data protection and retention. Regular backups help meet these requirements and provide evidence in case of legal disputes.
  4. Defense Against Insider Threats: Backups protect against not just external attacks, but also internal data sabotage or accidental deletion.
  5. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your data is safely backed up allows you to focus on your core business activities without constant worry about data loss.

That’s where the 3-2-1 backup rule comes in. It’s a simple yet powerful strategy to keep your data safe. Let’s break it down!

What is the 3-2-1 Backup Rule?

The 3-2-1 backup rule is a easy-to-remember strategy for keeping your data safe. Here’s what it means:

  • 3 – Keep at least three copies of your data
  • 2 – Store two backup copies on different storage devices
  • 1 – Keep one copy offsite

Sounds simple, right? Let’s dive into each part and see how you can put this rule into action.

Keep Three Copies of Your Data

The first number in our rule reminds us to keep at least three copies of our data. Why three? Because bad luck often comes in pairs! If your computer crashes and your backup drive fails, you’ll be glad you have a third copy.

  • Copy 1: This is your primary data – the files on your computer or phone.
  • Copy 2: Your first backup, maybe on an external hard drive.
  • Copy 3: Your second backup, which we’ll talk about in a moment.

Use Two Different Storage Types

The “2” in our rule suggests keeping backups on two different types of storage. This could mean:

  • Your computer’s hard drive (where your original files live)
  • An external hard drive
  • A USB flash drive
  • A Network Attached Storage (NAS) device
  • Cloud storage
  • Using different types of storage protects you if one type of device fails. For example, if your external hard drive crashes, you still have your cloud backup.

Keep One Copy Offsite

The “1” reminds us to keep one backup offsite. This protects your data from physical disasters like fire, flood, or theft. Your offsite copy could be:

  • In a cloud storage service like Google Drive, Dropbox, or iCloud
  • On a hard drive stored at a friend’s house or in a safety deposit box
  • In a professional offsite data storage facility
  • Putting the 3-2-1 Rule into Action

Now that you understand the rule, here’s a simple way to implement it:

  • Start with your original data on your computer or phone.
  • Buy an external hard drive and set up regular backups to it.
  • Sign up for a cloud storage service and set it to automatically back up your important files.
  • Congratulations! You now have three copies of your data, on two different types of storage, with one copy offsite.

The 3-2-1 backup rule is like a safety net for your digital life. It might seem like extra work now, but you’ll be thankful you did it if disaster strikes. Remember: three copies, two storage types, one offsite. Follow this rule, and you’ll be well on your way to bulletproof data protection!